gone through a lot of trouble to get a
great website, now you want to be sure
that people can find it. With all the different
types out there, Search Engine Positioning
is truly a jungle.
can simplify that for you by getting you
comprehensive submission across dozens
of search engines and by making sure you
get the placement you deserve. On top of
submitting your site, we will help optimize
your pages to make them better suited for
searches. By including proper coding, keywords,
and special pages, we can help ensure that
your site will be easy to find and properly
so many variables involved, YourMark.com
can help you wade through the mess of search
engine positioning. We will maintain, monitor
and continue to submit your site throughout
the year. We will provide key word analysis
that shows what your customers are searching
for and how well you are being listed. Contact
us today, and we will give you a search
engine analysis of your site for free.

Search Engines
These engines, like Google and WebCrawler,
crawl through millions of sites sorting out names, addresses and keywords to
create a database. Having your pages optimized helps these crawlers find and
properly list your site. Human-powered
Like Yahoo and Open,
these sites take submissions for their listing, usually for a fee. You may
submit suggestions for your listing and a short description. Editors then check
your description and your site and place you in the category they feel is appropriate. Pay-per-click
This service, mainly used by Overture,
requires you to place a bid on your site's position for various keywords. When
someone searches for your word,
are given in order of highest bid. You are only charged your bid when someone
clicks to visit your site. |