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Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. The more information we have about your needs and goals, the better equipped we will be to fulfill those needs and help you achieve those goals. You may fill out this form online and click the "submit" button at the bottom to send it to us via email, or, click here for a printable version.

All questions are optional. If you feel any question does not adequately apply to your project, feel free to rephrase the question before your answer. Please enter as much or as little as you like, any information provided will be helpful. All answers will be kept completely confidential and will only be seen by YourMark.com.

Your Name:
Your Company:
Email Address:
City, State:
What type of service or product are you interested in? Please check all that apply.
Site Design eLetter Manager
Hosting and Email other Web Application
Web Strategy Consulting Graphic Design
eCommerce Logo/Identity Design
Content Management other
Please give us a brief description of the project.
What goals does your company hope to achieve through this project?
When would you like to have this projected completed? Are there any deadline issues we should be aware of?
Do you have a specific budget or any budgeting issues that we need to consider?
The remaining questions apply to website development projects only.


Please rate the importance of a website to your company on a scale of 1-10.
1 - site is simply an "online brochure"
10 - your company is completely dependent on its website (ecommerce, etc.).
Who would you consider the target audience for your site?
Please list the sections/pages of you website as best you can. (home, about us, contact us, products, etc.)
Please describe any content that you will need to update or interactive with regularly. (news, calendars, products, work orders, etc.)
Please describe any content that your clients will need to update or interactive with regularly. (chat, feedback, forms, work orders, etc.)
Please describe any other "advanced" content that you might need on your page. (Customer log-in, audio/video, photo albums,


Please check any materials that your company has which may be useful in preparing your website.
Registered Domain Name Product Catalog
Current Website Product Photography
Website Text/Content Other Photography/Clip-art
Logo Design in print Price Sheets/Order Forms
Logo Design file on disk Other Documentation
Materials from Competitors other
Company Brochure
Please check any materials that your company does not have but will be needed in preparing your website.
Website Text/Content Other Photography/Clip-art
Logo Design Price Sheets/Order Forms
Company Brochure(s) Other Documentation
Product Catalogs other
Product Photography
Please list, in ranking order, any sites which you feel reflect qualities you are looking for (such as appearance, interface, function, etc.) and be sure to mention each sites qualities. This section is very helpful for showing us what you want in a website.


Does your company have an Internet Service Provider or ISP? (Charter, Earthlink, BellSouth, AOL, etc.)
Has your company already registered a Domain Name? (www.YourCompany.com)
If not, please list some possible Domain Names and be sure to include .com, .net, .org, etc.
Does your company already have email?
If not, how many emails will you need initially?


Please feel free to write any additional comments here:

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with this information.

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